If you wish to conduct your search in person in the hopes of tracking down official certified documents, you'll need to know in what state and area the marriage took place in, or at least take a guess and begin there. Only the court or church where the marriage/divorce was conducted will have records of the official documentation. If you don't know this information, you also have the option of searching public records online through the county registry for Divorce Records Florida, which you can attempt with as little information as a name, though the more information you have on the parties involved in the marriage/divorce, or the dates surrounding it, the better off you'll be at obtaining information quicker, and with more accuracy.
The databases of these Florida divorce records websites contain millions of records, making them both a blessing and a curse. As mentioned, the less information you have, the more difficult it will be to narrow in on your target. The results of these searches will return documentation relating to any number of things, be it birth records, phone records, court records and many more.
Searching online for Florida divorce records can save you both time and money. These search sites will charge a fee, but that fee is often less than the fee that would be charged if getting the records from the court itself, and certainly less than it would cost to hire a private investigator to look into the matter for you.
The county registry
is worthwhile not just for the current search, but for any number of
possible searches you'll need to conduct in the future. Hopefully those
searches won't involve you hunting for your own divorce records.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1174637
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1174637